
It is forbidden to use high VOCs solvent-based paint! Guangdong will issue new environmental protection regulations

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  • Time of issue:2018-08-03 15:19
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(Summary description)Recently, the Environmental Protection Department of Guangdong Province issued an action plan for Guangdong Province to win the blue sky defense war (2018-2020) (draft for comments).

It is forbidden to use high VOCs solvent-based paint! Guangdong will issue new environmental protection regulations

(Summary description)Recently, the Environmental Protection Department of Guangdong Province issued an action plan for Guangdong Province to win the blue sky defense war (2018-2020) (draft for comments).

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2018-08-03 15:19
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Recently, the Environmental Protection Department of Guangdong Province issued an action plan for Guangdong Province to win the blue sky defense war (2018-2020) (draft for comments). The plan proposes that the Pearl River Delta region prohibits new chemical parks and new production and use of solvent-based coatings, inks, and adhesives with high VOCs content. By 2020, greatly increase the promotion and application of low-toxicity, low (no) VOCs content, and high-solid raw and auxiliary materials in key industrial enterprises in printing, furniture manufacturing, and industrial coating, and the replacement ratios shall not be less than 60%, 60% and 30% respectively. %.

It is forbidden to use high VOCs solvent-based paint! Guangdong will issue new environmental protection regulations

The "Plan" proposes to upgrade the industrial structure and promote the green transformation and upgrading of the industry.

Develop and implement a negative list of access. Guangdong Province and all localities have completed the ecological protection red line, the bottom line of environmental quality, the online resource utilization, and the preparation of the environmental access list by listing, and clearly banned and restricted the development of industries, production processes and industry catalogs. Actively promote regional and planning environmental impact assessments, and environmental impact assessments for new, renovated, and expanded steel, petrochemical, chemical, building materials, non-ferrous metals and other projects should meet the requirements of regional and planning environmental impact assessments. Revise and improve the access conditions for high-energy-consuming, high-pollution and resource-based industries. Cities where the ambient air quality does not meet the standards should formulate stricter industry access thresholds. The province will no longer build new coal-fired power, petrochemical, and steel projects, except for projects that have been approved, have been included in the national plan, and have started construction.

The Pearl River Delta region prohibits new chemical parks and new production and use of solvent-based coatings, inks, and adhesives with high VOCs content.

Investigate and rectify "scattered and polluted" enterprises. Carry out a special action for comprehensive rectification of "scattered and polluted" enterprises and clusters, and implement dragnet-type investigation and inventory system, ledger-type, and grid-based management. Before the end of 2018, complete the rectification of "scattered and polluted" industrial enterprises in urban junctions, industrial clusters, and village-level industrial parks. Before the end of September 2019, the province's comprehensive treatment of "scattered pollution" will be basically completed. Establish a dynamic management mechanism for "scattered and polluted" enterprises. In 2020, we will organize random inspections and audits on the rectification of "scattered and polluted" enterprises. Any "scattered and polluted" enterprises found out of the list shall be strictly banned in accordance with the law, included in environmental protection and other responsibility assessments, and seriously held accountable.

Reduce the production capacity of high-energy-consuming and high-emission industries. Fully implement the "Guiding Opinions on Using Comprehensive Standards to Promote the Exit of Backward Production Capacity in accordance with Laws and Regulations", comprehensively use process technology, energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, safety and other standards, and accelerate the promotion of steel, non-ferrous metals, cement, glass, ceramics, and ceramics in accordance with laws and regulations. The key emission industries of chemical industry, papermaking, printing and dyeing, stone processing and volatile organic compounds are backward and excess production capacity eliminated and withdrawn, and the transformation and upgrading or closure of restricted projects are promoted.

Clean up and exit polluting enterprises in key areas. Before the end of 2018, organize relevant cities to formulate and introduce green transformation and upgrading implementation plans for industrial enterprises in areas with concentrated air pollution emissions such as the Shiziyang area and the Xijiang Economic Belt of Foshan, focusing on promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as thermal power, textiles, plastics, building materials, and paper. Accelerate the relocation of heavily polluting enterprises in urban built-up areas, or shut down and exit. All localities must formulate plans for polluting enterprises to withdraw from the city, and clarify timetables and task lists. Strictly control the addition of new chemical parks and increase the efforts to renovate existing chemical parks. Formulate a personnel placement plan and start the relocation of Sinopec Guangzhou Branch.

Deepen the clean production of enterprises in key industries. Promote the "10,000 enterprises" clean production audit action, focus on promoting the clean production audit of steel, building materials, chemical, petrochemical, non-ferrous metals and other industries, and include VOCs emission companies in the scope of mandatory clean production audits, and establish a clean production audit that has been implemented. Long-term management mechanism for enterprises. Strengthen the clean productivity of industrial parks. By 2020, the clean production audit rate of enterprises in development zones and industrial transfer parks above the provincial level will exceed 80%.

Implementation of the "100 Parks" circular transformation. Focus on public service projects in the park and key supply chain projects in the industrial chain to promote the implementation of circular transformation in the industrial park. By 2020, promote the implementation of circular transformation in 100 industrial parks and create national-level circular transformation pilot parks. Encourage the construction of concentrated spraying engineering centers and organic waste recycling centers in industrial agglomeration areas, and be equipped with efficient treatment facilities.

The "Plan" requires that the energy structure should be optimized and a green and clean energy system should be built.

Strict industrial and building energy conservation management. Study and formulate mandatory standards for green building design and construction acceptance in our province, vigorously develop green buildings, and promote prefabricated buildings. Government-invested public welfare buildings, large-scale public buildings and newly-built affordable housing fully implement the green building standards.

The "Plan" also requires that we must comprehensively deepen the treatment of industrial sources and strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants.

Implement special emission limits for key industries. In the steel, petrochemical, cement, chemical, non-ferrous metal smelting industries and industrial boilers, special emission limits for air pollutants are gradually implemented. Before the end of 2018, report to the provincial government for approval to implement special emission limits for air pollutants in the steel, petrochemical, cement, chemical, and non-ferrous metal smelting industries.

Implement VOCs reduction and substitution in construction projects. Formulate relevant measures for the review and management of VOCs total control indicators in Guangdong Province. Construction projects in the Pearl River Delta region implemented twice the reduction of volatile organic compounds emissions, and implemented reduction and substitution in the east, west and north of Guangdong, implemented dynamic management of VOCs indicators, and strictly controlled regional VOCs emissions. The built-up areas of each city strictly restrict the construction of construction projects involving VOCs emissions such as chemical industry, packaging and printing, and industrial coating. In principle, new industrial enterprises involving VOCs emissions should enter the park.

Promote the application of low-VOCs raw and auxiliary materials. Introduced the "Limits for Low Volatile Organic Compounds Coatings". Promote raw and auxiliary materials and products with low VOCs content and low reactivity. By 2020, greatly increase the promotion and application of low-toxic, low (no) VOCs content, and high-solid raw and auxiliary materials for key industrial enterprises in printing, furniture manufacturing, and industrial coating. Level, the replacement ratio shall not be less than 60%, 60% and 30% respectively.

Decompose and implement key VOCs emission reduction projects. To complete the comprehensive management and rectification of the VOCs of key enterprises in the province under the “one enterprise, one policy” by the end of 2018, and complete the “one enterprise, one policy” comprehensive management and rectification tasks for the VOCs of key enterprises under the supervision of the city by the end of 2020. For areas such as industrial parks and industrial clusters where VOCs emissions are concentrated, formulate a comprehensive implementation plan for VOCs in the parks, and track and evaluate the prevention and control effects.

Focus on promoting the reduction of VOCs in key industries such as oil refining and petrochemical, chemical industry, industrial coating, printing, shoemaking, and electronics manufacturing, as well as in the fields of motor vehicles and oil storage, transportation and sales. Based on the principle of comprehensive coverage of key industries in the jurisdiction, each region will be listed in detail and decompose VOCs emission reduction targets, sort out governance projects, and form a list of VOCs emission governance projects in key industries, and complete emission reduction governance in 2018, 2019 and 2020. 30%, 45% and 25% of the task volume. For VOCs-emitting companies and units that are not included in the list, all localities must formulate their own governance plans and supervise the implementation of governance. By 2020, the province's total volatile organic compound emissions will be reduced by 18% compared with 2015, and the emission reduction of key projects will not be less than 207,000 tons.

Check and review the effectiveness of VOCs governance. Sampling audits on the formulation and implementation of comprehensive remediation plans for VOCs emission enterprises are carried out year by year. Severely crack down on illegal pollutant discharges, publish lists and implement joint punishments for governance units with poor governance effects, weak technical service capabilities, and low levels of operation and management, so as to improve the level of VOCs emissions control in the industry.

Establish an electronic ledger for VOCs emissions from key industrial enterprises. All localities must organize enterprises to log in to the "Guangdong Province Volatile Organic Compound Information Comprehensive Management System" platform, fill in and update relevant information as required, and find out the number, distribution, main production process equipment, VOCs production and emission links of VOCs emission industrial enterprises in the jurisdiction. Base data on governance measures and effects. All regions and cities should establish pollution management accounts for key VOCs emission companies in their jurisdictions, and list companies with VOCs emissions of more than 10 tons/year as key municipal-level supervised enterprises; companies with VOCs emissions of 3-10 tons/year can be listed according to actual conditions Listed as a municipal key supervised enterprise.

Improve the VOCs prevention and control policy and standard system. Develop a catalog of low-VOCs products in Guangdong Province to standardize product production and sales. Promulgated comprehensive emission standards for volatile organic compounds in key industrial sectors. Research and formulate flame ionization monitoring (FID) online monitoring technical specifications. Publish the list of advanced technologies for the prevention and control of VOCs pollution in key industries, and guide and standardize the selection of technologies for pollutant companies. Establish an accounting system for VOCs emissions.

The "Plan" proposes to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of non-point sources and improve the level of refined management. The auto repair industry promotes environmentally friendly coatings. Promote the application of environmentally friendly coatings with low VOCs content in the auto repair industry. By the end of 2020, the Pearl River Delta will basically realize the substitution of primers and medium paint environmentally friendly coatings for designated auto repair enterprises. Auto repair companies in the built-up areas of cities and cities that have not realized the replacement of primer and medium paint environmentally friendly coatings install VOCs online monitoring facilities and network with environmental protection departments. Banning open air and open auto repair spraying operations.

The "Plan" requires that the joint efforts of the whole society must be brought together to improve the level of joint construction and governance. Widely advocate green consumption actions. Government agencies at all levels implement green procurement, actively guide consumers to purchase and use environmentally friendly coatings, low-VOCs daily chemicals and other green products, and practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle.

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